Mouth strips against snoring,
sleep apnoea, deeper sleep, better
oxygen supply during the night

(9 customer reviews)


Mouth strips contribute to healthy nasal breathing, prevent snoring and blockage of airways caused by sleep with an open mouth.

30 pieces per package. Hypoallergenic.

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    Mouth strips against snoring,
    sleep apnoea, deeper sleep, better
    oxygen supply during the night


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Mouth strips contribute to healthy nasal breathing, prevent snoring and blockage of airways caused by sleep with an open mouth. This simple but innovative technology will improve your feeling and sleep quality because, as you know, our body needs quality sleep as much as healthy food and physical activity.

These strips are suitable for the most sensitive skin.

– improving the quality of sleep,
– ease of breathing through the nose,
– promoting effective CO2-O2 exchange,
– decreased snoring,
– protect from hyperventilation,
– prevent dry mouth and bacterial formation.

It’s important – do not contain medicines or cause side effects!

Number per package: 30
Size: 80 mm x 25 mm
Color: white/transparent
Material: silicone

1.Wash your face and purge your lips from cream and other products.

2. Remove the protective tape and carefully place it on your lips.

3. Place the strip so that the small hole is right between the lips.

4. Carefully press the strip


Based on 9 reviews

5.00 Overall

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9 reviews for Mouth strips against snoring,
sleep apnoea, deeper sleep, better
oxygen supply during the night

    30. April, 2023
    Palīdz izgulēties un mazāk krākt
    0 0
    17. April, 2022
    Es agrāk mēģināju lētos analogus, tas nav tas, šie ir ideāli, visu nakti satur žokli kopā vispār nevar pat iekrākties, pluss ārkārtas ventilācijas atv...More
    Es agrāk mēģināju lētos analogus, tas nav tas, šie ir ideāli, visu nakti satur žokli kopā vispār nevar pat iekrākties, pluss ārkārtas ventilācijas atvere ļauj gulēt mierīgi, ja gaiss aptrūkstas- ieelpot. Ideāli
    1 0
    14. April, 2022
    No rīta nesmird mute, daudz labāk izguļos.
    0 0
    3. April, 2022
    I bought it for my husband because snoring at night tends to interfere with sleep. Thank you! This was a good decision.
    0 0
    Alise un Austris
    21. March, 2022
    Sarunājām ar vīru, ka obligāti ieliksim atsauksmi, jo likās, ka var nestradāt, bet nē, lietoju jau vienpatsmito dienu un strādā, daudz labāk izguļamie...More
    Sarunājām ar vīru, ka obligāti ieliksim atsauksmi, jo likās, ka var nestradāt, bet nē, lietoju jau vienpatsmito dienu un strādā, daudz labāk izguļamies abi, vīrs nekrāc vispār, neticēju, ka tas ir iespējams, viņš krāc jau 7 gadus man blakus, tagad guļam ideāli, jā trīs dienas vajadzēja, lai pierastu, bet ieguvumi ir neatsverami, guli ideāli, no rīta pamosties un jūties enerģijas pilns, mēs vēl nopirkām melatonīnu, jo tā vieglāk aizmikt, nopirkām vēl deguna airesolu un deguna plāksterus, es nekad mūžā nebiju tik labi elpojusi, uzņēmusi skābekli, vīrs to pašu saka. Pluss viņš izskatās jaunāks, jo pēc tik labas atpūtas vienkārši nevari slikti izskatīties. Noteikti iegādāsimies vēl. Milzīgs paldies!
    1 0
    19. March, 2022
    Lieku uz nakti un liekas, ka tagad labāk izguļos. Paldies par ātro piegādi!
    0 0
    16. March, 2022
    Nopirku savam vīram, jo pa nakti krākšana mēdz traucēt gulēt. Paldies, jums! Šis bija labs lēmums.
    0 0
    16. March, 2022
    I put the patches on overnight and it seems that now I will sleep better. Thanks for the fast delivery!
    0 0
    Alise and Austris
    9. March, 2022
    We told my husband that we would definitely put a review, because it seemed that we could not work, but we are already using them for the eleventh day...More
    We told my husband that we would definitely put a review, because it seemed that we could not work, but we are already using them for the eleventh day, we both sleep much better, the husband does not collect at all. I don't believe that it is possible, because he has been snoring next to me for 7 years, and now we are sleeping perfectly. It took them three days to get used to it, but the benefits are invaluable - sleep perfectly, wake up in the morning and feel full of energy. We still bought melatonin because it was easier to fall asleep, we bought another nasal spray and nasal patches, I had never breathed so well in my life, I took in oxygen, my husband says the same. Plus he looks younger, because after such a good rest you just can't look bad. We will definitely buy more. Thanks a lot!
    0 0
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